ES Hospital

ES Hospital

Blog Article

ES Hospital also has two physician clinics and our Health Express Clinic (located inside Price Chopper.) ESH provides Excelsior Springs and the surrounding communities with quality healthcare close to home. ESH is affiliated with North Kansas City Hospital.

The Excelsior Springs Hospital (ESH) is the cornerstone of healthcare in Excelsior Springs. The facility has modern surgical services, critical care unit, 24 hour emergency care, comprehensive laboratory, home health and hospice care, cardiopulmonary, radiology services, rehabilitation services, outpatient specialty clinics and Senior Life Solutions. The medical staff includes more than 100 physicians and the hospital employs more than 300 people.

Excelsior Springs Hospital is a community-driven health system providing superior care through our team of passionate health professionals. We partner with our community to offer personalized, innovative health and wellness choices close to home

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